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Trying out a cool therapy

A relatively new business in Kelowna is offering a chilly type of physical therapy.

Cryo Care provides a type of procedure called cryotherapy, where the body is subjected to extremely cold temperatures, prompting the body's emergency management, or 'flight or fight,' response.

Taylor Saukarookoff, the co-owner of Cryo Care, says when the human body encounters temperatures of - 165 C, it brings the blood to its core in an attempt to stave off freezing to death. 

When this blood is returned to the rest of the body, Saukarookoff says it brings with it a number of health benefits. They have treated people with rheumatoid arthritis, post surgery inflammation and post-athletic recovery.

The cold temperature is produced using nitrogen, making it a very dry cold. Because of this, Saukarookoff says the cold only impacts half of a millimetre into the skin, making it a pain free process.

Castanet reporter Nich Johansen went down to Cryo Care on Tuesday to see how this deep freeze therapy feels first hand.


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