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Self Employment Program

The Community Futures Self Employment program offers support for starting up a business or for the purchase of an existing business. The program includes business plan development assistance, a variety of business skills development workshops, one-on-one mentoring, business counselling, collaboration with peers and experiential learning in hands-on workshops. Employment Insurance or Reachback eligible applicants may also recieve income support while researching their new business opportunity, writing their business plan, and launching their business.

Community Futures has operated the program continuously since 1992 and has an excellent track record of successful business start-ups through this program. The business plans that result from the program are comprehensive, market driven and highly regarded by industry.

How do I get started?

Individuals can determine their EI, Reachback, or disability eligiblity with a local WorkBC Employment Services Centre.  A WorkBC Employment Counselor will assess your eligiblity and, if suitable and eligible, will refer you to a Self-Employment Orientation Session. Following the Orientation Session, you can register for and attend the Opportunity Readiness Workshop.

WorkBC Employment Service Centre locations and contact numbers:
  • West Kelowna   |   778-741-0155   |   111-3011 Louie Dr, West Kelowna, BC, V4T 3E3       
  • Kelowna - Capri   |   778-738-0225   |   107-1835 Gordon Dr, Kelowna, BC, V1Y 3H4
  • Rutland   |   778-738-2909   |   40-31 Hwy 33 West, Kelowna, BC, V1X 1X8

Individuals who do not have EI or Reachback eligibility through WorkBC can access the Business Plan Development Program on an affordable fee for service basis. For more information about the program and funding options, please call Community Futures at 250-868-2132 ext. 224 to explore your options.

Next Steps...

You must attend the Opportunity Readiness workshop as a pre-requisite for the full Self-Employment Program.
Click here for more information on the Opportunity_Readiness_Worksheets.pdf

I'm ready! How do I write a plan?

The Self-Employment Program includes instruction on how to write a business plan. Click here for more information on the Business Plan Development Program.

What other help does Community Futures provide?

We offer loans, business counselling and business development programs for start-up or expansion – click here to find out more about Community Futures Lending or call 250-868-2132 to meet with a business counsellor to explore your options.

For more details, call:

Dylan Vinci, Program Coordinator
250-868-2132 ext 224
dylanThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.